No Sirvice
st. pete street arts collective

Off the clock, we look away as our “professional work” is used to propel stupidity. Here you find a stance against the servility of our professions to corporate culture and its operatives. What we commercialize during the day, we un-commercialize at night. No Sirvice exists to offer an organizing space for artistic, acoustic, literary, and design criticism that nurtures a refusal for our modern age. We critique the bankruptcy of American culture and provide a movement for non-commercial creative resistance.

Wanna join? St. Pete needs more imps. Contact one of us:

Elizabeth Herrmann
Aaron Dietrich
David Meek
Jesse Vance
Rob Mullins
All of the Above

Or, you might find us at Cycle Brewing on Thursday evenings: 534 Central Ave


NS Underground Film Festival
Call for Entries!


the no sirvice underground film fest is a mobile light + sound show celebrating the best subversive cinema st. pete has to offer. submit your videos, animations, sounds, rants, bizarre and provocative and questionable 4d work from all genres and subjects and lengths and smells and flavors!

+ submit your vids to:

+ preferred format: dropbox link to a

+ if you’d also like your vid featured on the
no sirvice site,
send us a vimeo link!


with love and squalor,

your ns comrades

No Sirvices: or at least the ones we’re allowed to share…

Because we’re sick of stupid people telling us what to do.
Because we don’t have to ask you what you think.
Because we don’t need permission to fix our culture.
Because we have the means to control the media anyway.
Because we’re angryoungpoor.
Because, we don’t need you. We never did.
Because, we don’t have to explain ourselves.


No Sirvice + People’s Budget Review: 1st Ave South + 5th Street (Kress Bldg)

reel compiling projections from the people’s budget review survey Launch to encourage st. petersburg civilians to care about how their city spends their money.

Second Night: Central + Sixth Street

guerrilla light + sound show using a lo-fi mobile rig

First Night: Union Trust Bank, Central + MLK

reel compiling our inaugural light + sound show. guerrilla screening videos and animations on everything from high-rises and bank walls to trees and pavement, using a lo-fi mobile rig which consists of four circa 1987 radio flyer wagons, projectors, inverters, laptops, speakers, and marine batteries


NS Bogus Poster Promo

prank advertising to promote the light + sound shows; displayed in the union trust bank building shadowboxes


Greetings From Florida

visit florida tourist postcards passed out at the events


Wheat Paste

one hit provided with every zine