Blockout Cards

used to promote the zine for printslingers and solicit contributing content from other printmakers in the baltimore area. letterpress on stonehenge.


Norwegian Power

silkscreen t-shirt graphic reproduced for a norge-friend.


ras+e cards 1

used to promote the collaborative design studio: elizabeth herrmann + ryan shelley. letterpress on newsprint.


Blockout #1

zine for printslingers: this issue teaches silkscreen for beginners. silkscreen on clay-coated parent sheets.


Elizabeth Cards

used to promote my freelance design studio. “hideous” monospace systems fonts repurposed for “pretty” print-tasks they were never intended to perform entertains me. legibility designed to encourage physical manipulation. letterpress on stonehenge.


Vandyke Signage

pairs an old photo process with retro typography and vernacular. the signs were photographed on 4th and 34th Street in st. petersburg fl with a cannon 60d, altered through lo-fi laser printed film, and vandyke printed on white mulberry and stonehenge papers.


Cyanotype Signage

pairs an old photo process with retro typography and vernacular. the signs were photographed in st. petersburg fl and baltimore md, with a cannon 60d, altered through lo-fi laser printed film, and cyanotype printed on white stonehenge.


Silkscreen Signage

pairs the designer’s traditional printmaking process with retro typography and vernacular. the signs were photographed in st. petersburg fl and baltimore md, with a cannon 60d and silkscreen printed on rives bfk.